Africa Tabernacle Evangelism

Africa Tabernacle Evangelism (ATE) is a ministry created to provide African churches with their own building structure; establishing church members with a place of worship and a center for ministry within their community.

Africa's Children Now

Africa’s Children NOW initiative is about harnessing the potential of the African church to reach children. It’s about everyone doing something to see a huge change. We dream of an Africa where every child has experienced the love of Christ and can choose to follow Him. It may be a big dream but it's possible.

Africa's Hope

This is Africa, a continent with a history of economic hardship, societal volatility, and spiritual darkness. Despite these challenges, Christianity has been writing a new narrative of hope over the last three decades. In 1988, church leaders from across Africa gathered to cast a vision of growth from 2 million to 15 million adherents. But for this to be possible. . . .

Asia's Little Ones

Asia's Little Ones is a Christian non-profit, and believes every child deserves a safe place to belong, to have access to medical care, to eat healthy, to learn, and to know Jesus—so they can grow into who they were created by God to become. Every initiative ALO supports takes a wholistic approach to meeting children's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Sharing God's love and message of hope is a central component of every project.

Buddhist Hindu Priority

Today, more people on planet earth are living in spiritually dark and unreached areas than ever before in human history. But AGWM is poised to reach them at this critical juncture. Of the billions that are spiritually lost in our world, 3.3 Billion of them are unreached. They are without adequate witness of the gospel in their community...

Builders International

Through Assemblies of God World Missions, Builders International has direct access to an international supply chain and delivery system. This network consists of over 2700 missionary personnel in 256 countries and territories, who partner with national church partners that exceed 68 million people. Our team works tirelessly among this network to locate community outreaches and ministries that are making an impact and have a strong “community champion” leading the cause. These champions simply need a facility to enable and expand their reach, and further their influence and capacity to help others.


Latin America and Caribbean ChildHope (formerly Latin America ChildCare) represents the largest network of evangelical Christian schools in Latin America—300 schools in 20 countries affecting the lives of more than 100,000 children each day.

Continental Theological Seminary

Who are you? Wow, who am I? It's all childhood memories growing up on this street, living on this street, drinking on this street, getting involved in petty crime with this street. A lot of our friends are gone now, dead, either dead or in prison, you know. And this road in the eighties and the early nineties would've been none of the lights would've worked, and all robbed, stolen cars. . . .

Faces of Eurasia

Ramesha’s stomach groaned as she handed the last bite of food from her plate to her younger sister. Their family had been sharing only one meal a day for weeks, with no end in sight. Their home had once been bustling and full of life with three children under the age of seven, but hunger had taken its toll. Ramesha and her two siblings struggled to attend school due to weakness and severe hunger pains.


Life Publishers International is a global ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, publishing Bibles and Christian literature to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to print the FireBible in the top 100 heart languages in the world. We invite all believers to join us in meeting this challenge. Nothing is more powerful than being able to read God’s Word in one’s own heart language.

Live Dead

Live Dead is committed to taking the church where it does not exist. We are committed to making a difference in the statistic that 40% of the world lives without access to Christ. Live Dead’s strategy to execute this vision is to plant churches among unreached people groups through multi-national teams. Whatever our engagement, our goal is churches.

Project Rescue

We believe in a world free from sexual slavery where courageous women and children can live in freedom as fully empowered daughters and sons of God. But right now, there are an estimated 5 million people in sexual slavery, most of which are women and girls who have been deprived of their ability to live life with dignity and freedom.

The Suffering Church

What the truth is, Christian believers around the world are paying that price, suffering physically, emotionally, financially, or spiritually because of their decision to follow Jesus. The first Sunday in November is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted church. We have the opportunity to join a global movement and support hundreds of thousands of suffering believers with the most powerful weapon at our disposal.

Crisis Relief — Ukraine

I am a pastor from Warsaw. Now we are on a trip to see the border, and there are so many people at railway stations just before the border. People are helping here, and we just want to pray for this war to end. And we want to send a message to the churches, wherever we can so that we could be united in prayer and pray. . . .